Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Love ought to transcend politics and political parties. Human beings regardless of classes, creeds, ideologies and races must be viewed as equals. Whites, African-Americans, Asians and Native Americans wouldn't be just viewed as voting blocks to be wooed, but rather by their needs - poverty, economic and spiritual welfare that must be the business of politicians. Debates about the environment, the role of religion in public life, and the future of our families will always be part of the public dialogue. Health issues – emotional, physiological and psychological that may cripple us must be confronted and must be balanced sensibly with agendas that seek to address these problems.

There are some things we must avoid when considering the elections of politicians who we vote for to represent us. Listen to what Charity Sunshine Tillemann-Dick (b. 1983), a soprano, composer and presenter said: “Perhaps we should worry less about judging people for being Mormon or baptist or Muslim or gay or straight or black or white or Latino or by their religious or political brands and worry more about electing thoughtful, serious and ethical politicians on both sides of the political [a]isle who are willing to work together for progress.” The key to Tillemann-Dick's statement is electing “... serious and ethical politicians … willing to work together for progress.” We are the voters who make these decisions? It's you and me. Can it be said then that we end up getting who we vote for and not necessarily the best candidates in these races?

Politicians can be Inspirational

Politicians are able to show their positive side when they visit the sick, attend churches, tour retirement homes, be at construction sites and are spectators at little league games. These are instances whereby they touch our lives positively. But when they cast votes for unjust wars, are accused of embezzling funds, and disgraced by having bad morals which have to do with the seedy side of life, many of us become turned off by them. Billy Graham (b. 1918), an American evangelical Christian and evangelist ordained as a Southern Baptist minister explained that “when wealth is lost, nothing is lost; when health is lost, something is lost; when character is lost, all is lost.” Therefore, when politicians are involved in unethical schemes what the voters generally witness are the demise of their characters. On the other hand, when they accentuate the positives of life their statures grow abundantly for the welfare of the public before our very eyes.

That is why it's so necessary for them to appeal to their constituents in positive ways. As Benjamin Franklin (1706 - 1790), one of the Founding Fathers of the United States remarked: “Tell me and I forget. Teach me and I remember. Involve me and I learn.” Politicians must not only present their policies and ideas effectively, but they must be teachers showing us how to learn about public issues. Moreover, some go even further by involving us so that we learn more adequately the complexities about implementing public policies.

Through these many citizens will be able to separate “facts” from “fiction” and “truths” from “half-truths.” For by public discourses diverse views will arise based on the nature of the market-place of ideas. For example, even the conflicting characteristics of sources, channels, noises, receivers and recipients contribute to misunderstandings. Many messages that come from politicians rely on the timeliness, spontaneity and the effectiveness of societies' gatekeepers. If important information falls through the cracks whole campaigns may end in chaos.

Doing what's Right

If politicians fall from grace it's for them to come clean and not continue to conceal the details of their indiscretions. It's for them as co-creators with God to build up their communities and protect them from evil. We don't want other Watergate experiences in America or in other countries around the world. As co-creators of God's creations, politicians must be able to talk to us, think about issues and legislate sensible policies. That is why it's important that in their speech and images they must be able to build and design our societies' future based on the truth. If they continue to stress the negatives, nothing is more damning than for us to have negative results – “curses” as opposed to “blessings.”

Some Christians may even see politicians' dreams and imaginations as real as physical realities themselves. Tommy Smothers (b. 1937), an American comedian, composer and musician observed that “the only valid censorship of ideas is the right of people not to listen.” Politicians may be in positions to serve voters a variety of dishes. These may be the best political entrees possibly, but it's still up to us to decide whether we'll taste what's served or completely ignore them. This reaction is the right citizens have in a democratic society that may well be likened to their discernment if you wish. People will bring to their tables what's right to them. We who believe in democratic processes hope that they will be right most of the time. And even if we make mistakes, the Lord promises that the Holy Spirit will work all things – good and bad, for good.                     

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